Sunday, December 30, 2018

a heartmade journal...

I love journalling - to me and many others it
is a soul companion, a place to grow emotionally and to
allow oneself to simply be, without fear or censure.

A while ago I created a small, handmade journal
to stand along my book, 'Living a Simply 
Art-Full Life' - but now I have decided to redo it
in a larger, full colour format. I have also
renamed it 'The Heartmade Journal', as I
realised that a number of people have already
created books and the like with variations of
'Art-Full' in the title!

(These images are from the original book I created -
the journal is still a work in progress, but
will have quotes, thoughts, artwork and
plenty of space for your own thoughts and ideas!)

So, I will be busy in 2019 - I hope -
and also hope that all the readers of this blog
find their own heartmade lives... joy,
creativity and growth in this new year we are
privileged to be given.

Offered with love and good wishes...

Sunday, December 16, 2018

eat cake!...

Just another quick post... as some of you may know, I worked
as a needlework designer for many years, and still
love to create stitched projects, although I haven't been doing them
as much lately. Just the other day, digging for something
in the old wooden chest where I store my creative supplies, I
found this little stitched piece!

Quite cute, and pretty much sums up a happy (and healthy!)
attitude to life!

Offered with love
Gail xoxox

precious life...

A new post for a new week, and this illustrated quote,
which I did for a recent book project, has to be one of my favorites,
written by the amazing poet Mary Oliver.
(I also love one of her other quotes, 'tell me, are you
breathing just a little, and calling it a life?')
So powerful..and often so true!

Offered with love...
Gail xoxox

feeling a little wabi sabi today...

Feeling a little wabi sabi today - less than perfect,
tired and stressed, and unsure of what the future may hold!
We've all been there...I keep on working and
creating art, but sometimes I wonder if anyone actually likes it...
all part of the creative process I guess!

I saw my wabi sabi bird early today, singing his heart out,
with ruffled feathers and wonky leg.
He reminded of how perfect we all are, in our
imperfection - that all is as it should be, and will be
well - as long as we keep on believing in ourselves, 
and building our foundations on hope, not fear.

Offered with love
Gail xoxox

Friday, December 7, 2018

song in my heart...

I love birds...always have and always will.
For me they represent the essence of nature - simple,
pure, open and brave.
I think we can learn a lot from them...
I know I do, just by sitting on my deck and watching
them flying around in the trees that
surround my cabin.

So I also love using them in my art -
which is why I started keeping a small artist's journal
of favourite quotes and thoughts...
together with whimsical imges of birds,
owls, chickens, seagulls...and more!

And.. hopefully, one day this little journal
will be published as a book! 
A gift from my heart... and from the birds.

Offered with love...

more stitches...

Apologies for the silence, but I have been away and also busy working on various new stitched projects. I love taking my little fol...