Tuesday, January 29, 2019

with needle and thread...

January has just flown past...I cannot believe we are almost
in February! At least I have been busy - having
picked up needle and thread again, after a
fairly long hiatus. I love to stitch...I had just forgotten
for a while, in my rush to do other things!

So, I have some new projects in the works -
while not forgetting my other art/book projects,
although sadly the books are not getting 
picked up by publishers (yet, anyway!)
I am going to convert some of my little artworks into
small cross stitch charts (I have no patience
with designs that take forever to stitch,
no matter how beautiful they are!)

So, watch this space - the designs will be
available as PDF downloads.

And the design range will be called 'Heart Thoughts'
since I always include hearts in all my creations!

I am also planning a book to follow up my French
book about the mice - this one will
feature little cross stitch pictures and other designs
stitched by the mice!!

Because - although you may not know it - 
mice love to cook, bake...and stitch!!

Have a bright and beautiful day!



  1. Good morning from lovely Wales, I have brought your little mice book, the French version but I am finding it a bit tricky to translate the patterns to English, I am sure I read on one of your blogs/pages somewhere that you I would be able to get a translated version of the book from you. Is that still possible? I think your work is so lush. Thanks Jayne x

  2. Hi Jayne...sorry to only reply now - yes I can send you the english translation of the instructions for the mice - please send me your email address and will send it to you! Thanks...Gail B


more stitches...

Apologies for the silence, but I have been away and also busy working on various new stitched projects. I love taking my little fol...